There’s a whole lot of Bollywood stuff here. And then some people who sound smart. And then there’s me. Oh well, someone’s got to bell curve smart things. Now, I want to know who all the ladies in these graphs are. And, frankly, what the graphs mean. Someone enlighten me.
News & Reviews
The International TwistOff
I had almost forgotten about this and I’m glad it was brought to my attention. Last fall, Rahul Khanna, someone I’ve never met but have “met” on Twitter, suggested we collaborate on a story on Twitter, a kind of international “twistoff” (I can’t remember who came up with that but like everything else on Twitter, […]
“His tweets cannot possibly work as stories”
Or so says this review in some new online magazine about “underground Canadian art.” And it’s named after a fish. I wish them well.
The Casual (but awesome) Mention in the New Yorker
I met Blake Eskin last year during a convention in Minneapolis. His talk was about how he puts the New Yorker’s website together, about real time reporting, stuff like that. I wanted to meet him. And then he came up to me and told me he loved my Twitter feed. Well, I was a bit […]
One of Paste Magazine’s 100 Best Twitter Accounts
Ok, so not too many people read Paste. And I don’t like lists. I said as much on Facebook. Or perhaps it was Google+. I can’t keep track. But look at this list! It’s awesome. And I’m on it. Sure, that might make it less awesome, but still. (I just checked. It was Google+. I […]
Another Q&A: Asserting the Right of Women Everywhere to be Morons
Because of course they can be morons. To deny them that would be sexist. Right? I did a Q&A with Bruce Pirie, who narrated the audiobook of Squishy, and Miette Elm, from Iambik Audiobooks. This is the result. And sure I may bring up Sir John Gielgud and his performances in both Arthur AND Caligula, […]
Tourism Montreal
I never posted this. Tourisme Montreal was doing a series of insider type “locals” interviews with Montrealers a while back and they chose me for their first one. How far back? Well, my bar became a cafe and I’m still sad about it. Very sad. Everything else I mention here is open. And I don’t […]
No One Will Ever Say Nicer Things About Me
A new piece, calling me all sorts of good things. It’s not often that a piece makes me blush. If, you know, you could see a brown guy blush. And yes. I really do believe Touch of Evil is the best movie of all time. Nothing has come close. Ever. This is the famous opening […]