The Start of The Game

This from Quill and Quire, Canada’s book industry magazine, a publication that used to be much much larger and perhaps more influential and isn’t any longer. But hats off, it continues to exist and that’s saying something. I don’t know if they’re still in print, but they have a website. It was always niche but now it just feels super niche. Like private club/speakeasy hidden away.

They do, however still publish a preview of every season’s bounty, which is probably the minimum they must do.



And they have chosen The Reeds as one of the books they’re “most excited about this fall.” Like, collective excitement. How fun!




The hope, of course, is that more become “excited” by The Reeds. That’s really the only hope.

The book is, of course, out October 15. But can be preordered now. Pretty much everywhere.

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