Emphasis on “some.”
News & Reviews
Some Reviews of The Reeds
2024: The Year of Aspirational Stupidity
In 2024 people finally were fed up and voted out everybody for other everybodys who, still, promised to make your life worse by making theirs better, because though we’ve lost hope we are still aspirational. Aspiration is why we still get out of bed in the morning and stumble to the kitchen and make coffee […]
The Start of The Game
This from Quill and Quire, Canada’s book industry magazine, a publication that used to be much much larger and perhaps more influential and isn’t any longer. But hats off, it continues to exist and that’s saying something. I don’t know if they’re still in print, but they have a website. It was always niche but […]
You Can Hear My Awful Voice
Everyone thinks their voice is awful and I’m “everyone” too so I think my voice is awful. It must be hard for singers. I was on a podcast recently and I talked about my writing, restaurants in Montreal, and my day job. It’s not a must listen or anything, but it’s a surprisingly entertaining 40 […]
En francais, dude
I’m not so ambivalent about reviews now, not with the French version of my book, at least. Because the book is old and the reviews aren’t going to drive me so crazy. And so here’s the first review (that I know of) and it’s good! If not great. And speaking of Attends-moi, I’ll be at […]
More Twitter!
I still get interviewed about Twitter. It’s an odd thing, really, I mean most days Twitter feels like it’s on the outs, but then some big news thing happens, and where do you get your news? That’s right. Twitter. At least I do. (The image above is from someone’s Twitter stream and it’s the best […]
And Then You Hold A New Book In Your Hand
And it feels awesome (literally – the matte finish is silky). It’s odd to hold your own book and to not have read it. But the French version of Waiting for the Man will be published next month (it launches this week) and I’m kind of thrilled by it. Mostly because as a Quebecois the […]
The Me Movie
A few years back, well maybe 18 months back, so somewhere in that netherworld between a few “months” and a few “years” back, a video-journalist (I know! What a world!) from LaPresse+ (the iPad version of Montreal’s LaPresse) did a story on me. One of the major weaknesses of LaPresse+ (and perhaps its only one […]
Waiting for the Man in A Land Down Under
No Aussie jokes here. There are enough in this interview I did with Booktopia, an online store in Australia that is carrying Waiting for the Man. As if I were a local. I did a Q&A and got two bad Australian jokes out of my system. So that’s it. No more. I welcome my Australian […]