It’s late. Harry wants to send everyone home, close up. Sleep. He flicks the lights on and off. This place needs a bed, he thinks. I’m tired
Tagged: Work (581)
Twister 187
The pharmacist watched her every time she purchased toothbrushes. I’d give her sexier teeth, he thinks. But that means going back to school.
Twister 100
The frosting was colored with too much curacao. He knew this would cost him his job but the kids didn’t seem to mind. They called him uncle.
Twister 445
When he speaks of stamina he doesn’t mean jogging. He’s hated himself since his youth despite his professional success. He will never marry.
Twister 568
He was caught picking his nose in the executive boardroom. His wife bought salmon pie for dinner. This is the worst day of my life, he said.
Twister 699
Jones flung the pen at Roy. Roy thought Patel had thrown it and made a loud racist remark. Patel thought he heard Jones. The intern laughed.
Twister 794
And when he felt the warmth spreading down his pants he knew he was as far as he could be from his government job, from stupid public life.
Twister 932
Barnes had been picking his nose and when he finally scooped the wet nugget his boss entered his office to introduce the hot new secretary.
Twister 1147
He abandons his desk and walks over to her cubicle. You smell funny, he says. She bites her lip. She undoes a button. And touches her hair.
Twister 1282
He was a truck driver. He had a wife. And a girlfriend. And he had difficulties. He was confused. And a bit sad. Then he had a heart attack.