What started as a street brawl, with punches, kicks and rolling around, degenerated into a well choreographed orgy when Chris brought lotion
Tagged: Sex (778)
Twister 1448
And when he complained about their sex lives she said something about showering and he fought back and she said, That got a rise out of you.
Twister 1549
He came home from a date and told his roommate, She smells like my ex-mother in law. I can’t abide by that, he said. But secretly? He could.
Twister 1642
She was handing out fliers. For a children’s charity. He took an interest. In her. Will you give? she asked. I will, he said. And then some.
Twister 1760
The truck spun out, barreling toward the popular roadhouse. The young couple in the backseat of the Camaro died happy. Well, at least he did
Twister 1849
She yawned and a large bug flew into her mouth and she swallowed it. And he said, I should be so lucky, and she said, You sound like my mom.
Twister 1963
I am never leaving this bed, he told her. And she shrugged and went and got the shovel and threw it at him. There’s your intimacy, she said.
Twister 2060
The smell of rotten fruit hung over the room like flies above carrion. Plants died. Funk. I told you this tantric stuff worked, he told her.
Twister 2182
He knew the night had been successful when the leftover pad thai made for a perfect breakfast. The strange girl in his bed was smiling, too.
Twister 2362
He was called in to see the boss. He knew this time he’d be fired. It was for the best. He entered her office. Get under my table, she said.