He comes home oozing rye and he wakes her and says, Hey let’s pull the goalie, and she heads for the couch regretting her Canadian marriage.
Tagged: Sex (778)
T 5448
He limped in. He reeked of something animal. I reek of sex, he boasted. I wanted to throw up. He told me why he was limping. And I threw up.
T 5443
Cold instant coffee. Stale donuts. A haze of smoke. Stains on the carpet. On the chair. She nuzzles him and says, Let’s go. No mas, he says.
T 5435
He takes her hand and they share a moment and then she says, Did you wash your hands? and he starts laughing and he says, I didn’t even pee.
T 5432
The deal awaits the finality of their signatures. You’re quite agile, one of the men says. That’s what I tell my wife, the other one replies.
T 5416
They are breathless. Sweating. He says, Your skin is like velvet. She says, Is that good? And he loses interest. While she thinks of waxing.
T 5414
And then he stopped, disappointed, and she woke and said, Keep going I have narcolepsy, and he said, I just can’t, and she fell asleep again.
T 5412
Much later that day, she told him he had tasted of metal, and he was overcome by a profound guilt, and he said, That’s what lies taste like.
T 5395
The meeting ends. Handshakes are made and everyone goes for drinks. There is talk of consummation. And they get a suite at the local Hilton.
T 5389
And he pulled his pants down, and she sobered up and said, This is not going to work, and he said, Don’t judge me, and she said, I just did.