Tagged: ECW press (4)

Because Unboxing Is Now A Thing

I unboxed the book when I received the package from the printer. Or, rather, I UNBOXED it. That’s what one must do now. I posted a video of the unboxing to  social media. I won’t do it here. You can find the videos (there is more than one) with minimal effort if that kind of […]

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The March of the Novel

It is almost done. The editing part. I received what has to be one of the best letters ever from any editor anywhere. And then I read the manuscript, which was odd – I haven’t read it in over a year. I went through my editor’s comments. We Skyped (she’s based in Brooklyn). And then, […]

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The Media Starts Here

The book media has started to pick up on the novel, or at least the signing of the deal. It’s early yet, but it’s nice to know people are taking notice. I also like the very short synopsis ECW came up with: Waiting for the Man is about a dissatisfied copywriter who becomes a media sensation by […]

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The Endless Road to Publishing

I’m pleased to announce that my novel, Waiting for the Man, will be published by ECW in spring 2014. How did we get here? Well. It’s quite possible that there are sentences in this novel that are older than my son. Very few of them but I wouldn’t doubt it. My son is 12 years […]

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