Tagged: reviews (4)

The Start of The Game

This from Quill and Quire, Canada’s book industry magazine, a publication that used to be much much larger and perhaps more influential and isn’t any longer. But hats off, it continues to exist and that’s saying something. I don’t know if they’re still in print, but they have a website. It was always niche but […]

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En francais, dude

I’m not so ambivalent about reviews now, not with the French version of my book, at least. Because the book is old and the reviews aren’t going to drive me so crazy. And so here’s the first review (that I know of) and it’s good! If not great. And speaking of Attends-moi, I’ll be at […]

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The Algorithms of Amazon

It sounds like either a play by Oscar Wilde or a Greek tragedy – and in light of what it means we (and by “we” I mean “all of us”) must do these days in order to sell products, perhaps it is a bit tragic. And since we’re all doing it, there is no “comedy […]

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That’s What I Like To See

I’m ambivalent about reviews. I’ll post some here, I’m sure, but I doubt I will read them. Reading reviews, both good and bad, is not a rabbit hole I want to lose myself in, not for a second. I want reviews, I want lots of them, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t want to […]

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