News & Reviews

Appearance at Ottawa Writers Festival

I’ll be in Ottawa on April 28, reading at the Ottawa Writers Festival with Jonathan Bennett (a fellow ECW author) and the great Miriam Toews. The artistic director of the festival seems to love the book (first in radio and now in print) – though when I meet him I’m going to have to tell […]

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Montreal Book Launch

Is all set. Here’s the post from Drawn & Quarterly. More cities/dates will be announced soonish. And away we go!

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The Real Book Trailer for Waiting for the Man

With special thanks to Jason Camlot for the music, and editing work by Aras Bukauskis. So there is the Slideshare version and now there’s this. Oh publicity! And there’s this. Same thing. On Vimeo. BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE EVERYWHERE! Waiting for the Man from Arjun Basu on Vimeo.

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Waiting for the Man on the Radio

No. That’s not a new hip band from Brooklyn. They talked about Waiting for the Man on CBC Ottawa’s All in a Day show. Saying some amazingly nice things. And one giant whopper: I DO NOT have 1,000,000 followers on Twitter. Not even close. Here’s the show. I’m the first book (lasts a little under […]

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A Playlist for Waiting for the Man

Because, yes, in a novel kind of named after a song, each chapter is also, um, named after a song. And I made a playlist. Note that you will not discern meaning out of this playlist, or discover hidden messages in the juxtaposition of songs and/or styles. No. I chose these songs because the titles […]

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Book Trailer. V1

More to come. I will use a version of this as a PowerPoint presentation at some book launches. I will have a “movie” version with music and voice-over up on YouTube in a few weeks. But for now, there’s this. Enjoy.

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Buying Books

You can preorder Waiting for the Man at these online retailers (amongst others): Canada: Amazon (including Kindle): Waiting for the Man Chapters Indigo US: Amazon (including Kindle) Barnes & Noble Powell’s Indiebound Kobo UK: Amazon Book Depository Waterstones Foyles Australia: Booktopia The book will be available every where and I will keep adding links as […]

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And Now You Can Pre-Order Kindle Editions…

…of Waiting for the Man. At all regular Amazon outlets. US Canada UK Australia Germany You get the idea. More e-versions as they become available. Also, if you purchase the print version of the book, wherever you happen to be, you can receive an e-version of the book for free. (The print book can be […]

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Flappin Flap Flaps

And on and on we go. The front flap is thus. An excerpt and a quick summary. The back flap is the standard author photo and bio. The back cover is blurbville. And then, you know, the spine, etc. This thing is almost done. The product. It’s going to go to a factory and become […]

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Waiting for Waiting for the Man

The National Post’s Afterword page, one of Canada’s most dependably consistently great book pages, made a list (sigh) of the “25 most anticipated (Canadian) books of 2014.” Waiting for the Man is not on the list. But it was still mentioned. I’ll take it. As one person on Twitter wrote to me, I should compare […]

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