A gentle wind messes her majestic hair, and she says, I like cherries, and he feels a crippling weakness, and blood in all the wrong places.
Tagged: Love (951)
T 4103
He burnt dinner and the fire alarm went off and the door bell rang and he yelled, Fuck! and she heard him and smiled. She’d brought take out.
T 4093
He compares her eyes to his dog’s testicles, and then says, I never claimed I was a great poet, and then he compares her hair to steel wool.
T 4088
Unto the breach. He uses this euphemism, and it goes over everyone’s head. Except the woman who crosses her legs. He falls in love with her.
T 4087
She puts her magazine down and says, Let’s raise chickens, and he says, We live in a condo, and that’s how he found himself suddenly single.
T 4083
Your love smells like anger, she whispers. He punches the wall. Dust scatters. He’s too much the gentleman to say what her love smells like.
T 4081
The bottles stand empty. We’ve done overdone it, he says. Drunkenly mixing his accents. You don’t know who you are, she says with affection.
T 4075
He watches her in the yard, working the soil, her dirty hands. I dig you! he says and she manages a smile. She knows it’s the best he can do.
T 4071
She made him insecure. So one day he asked, Do I bring anything substantial to our relationship? She nodded. You bring me cookies, she said.
T 4067
He says, My lips are on fire, and she kisses him, and then she realizes that he has just eaten some chilis and now her lips are on fire too.