I endorsed her constipation. It made her irritable, and that turned me on. And then she wasn’t constipated. The smell almost killed us both.
Tagged: Love (951)
T 4164
Dessert was served. He took her hand and stared into her soul. She drank him in. I have to poo, he said. And then she knew it was true love.
T 4144
This song reminds me of you, she tells him. It’s about death and evil. And he asks why. And her eyes turn red, and he is engulfed in flames.
T 4139
The aircraft took off and he watched it rise, knowing she was on it, leaving him. Last week they had fought. But now he regretted everything.
T 4134
And he made her cry. And then they made up. And then they made love. And she said, You’re bad. And he knew that. But she didn’t know how bad.
T 4130
The cartoon noises. She’s grown old listening to them and so she snaps, like frozen plastic, and she calls him Scooby, and then he snaps too.
T 4123
You’re empty inside, and unknowable, she says. I tell her I can’t be both. She asks me to leave. I pick up her kitten and walk out the door.
T 4122
This is where the sun sets, the place where good things end. Where love is immoral. He sighs. I take it all back, she says, rolling her eyes.
T 4119
They sat on the bed, their backs to each other, breathing heavily. I can’t look at you, she said. He found that funny. And soon, so did she.
T 4112
He would die for her attention. He told his friends this, and they laughed. And then he was hit by a car. But she didn’t attend the funeral.