This is their life, on display at the yard sale, broken objects scattered across a dying lawn. A man comes looking for glue. They both laugh
Tagged: Home (473)
T 3812
A dark, quiet house. The lovemaking is cathartic. Messy. He rolls off her and lets out a long breath. I’m happy we don’t have kids, he says.
T 3805
Strong women, casually dressed, sporting pearls and rubies. Lounging in the yard, laughing, debating the merits of their husbands’ genitalia
T 3803
Birdsong fills the air. He looks out the bedroom window and stares at the young neighbor suntanning on her new patio. His wife stirs in bed.
T 3052
He caught his parents in the yard and his mother put down the hose and said, You did not see this, and afterward the kid felt like an adult.
T 3737
The bills from their vacation spill across the table. Snowflakes; no two are alike, but each means the same thing. Get the matches, he says.
T 3727
She watched him leave the house, walking funny, with a kind of limp, but she wasn’t worried because she was the reason he was walking funny.
T 3725
They watched the kids eating. The mess they made. Remember when we didn’t have kids? he said. No, she said. He didn’t sleep well that night.
Twister 3711
He opened the door and she walked in and said, Your place smells like a day old porn set. And he wondered whether she was using a euphemism.
Twister 3710
And then they sat to watch television except no one really watched. This is like sitting around a fireplace, the kid said. And he was right.