They had sex on the dining table after the last of the kids moved out. It was something they’d always wanted to do. Then they had some pasta.
Tagged: Home (473)
T 5143
She’s disappointed by the decisions that her husband’s taken but knows she will recover, unlike the white rug, after what the dog did to it.
T 5111
She brushes her hair and he says, These pills won’t last. She doesn’t care and that’s really the problem, but neither of them will admit it.
T 5071
The kids start their screaming and he’s barely into his coffee and he says, No no no no. And he says, Please. And so the kids scream louder.
T 5067
Reality television is about the absence of why, he tells her, and she says, So, no TV tonight? and she smiles. Because she knows the answer.
T 5051
There was dust on the table and he knew his mother-in-law was going to blame him, again. When the doorbell rang, he kicked over the garbage.
T 5047
The plush toys and potpourri. I’m a designer, he pleads with her, but she won’t leave. She’s testing him. Not that he’ll ever figure it out.
T 5044
His sweater smelled like last night. She nudged him. What’s this? she asked. Cashmere, he mumbled. She had to admit, that was a good answer.
T 5036
And then the dog licked his foot, and he woke and said, OK, and she opened her eyes and mumbled, Norwegian Wood, and he said, It’s your dog.
T 5033
He opens the fridge and spies the leftover Chinese and he says, Eat healthy. But later, when she enters the kitchen, he says, I’m a failure.