She stepped out on to the veranda. She took in the view and returned inside and woke him. I’m sleeping, he said. I have a veranda, she said.
Tagged: Home (473)
T 5233
A tender moment. An innocuous question. An honest answer. A certain amount of heartbreak. A sad smile. A ringing phone. Another day beckons.
T 5230
The night floated away and morning washed into the room. She woke and kissed his shoulder. He opened his eyes and smiled. I’m wet, she said.
T 5213
The house reeked of garlic. She figured this wouldn’t work out. I come from an uptight family, she told him. He put some sauce in her mouth.
T 5209
The children woke up and rushed downstairs. Their father was sitting by the tree, a giant smile on his face. Blame your mom, he said proudly.
T 5202
He moved into a part of town that was pre-gentrification. He threw a party but no one showed up, and he went out and bought lottery tickets.
T 5198
Call your grandmother! he yells at his son. I have no idea why he resents you, he tells his mother. We’re out of juice, he says to his wife.
T 5182
They woke still entwined, and she studied the mole on his shoulder and he said, You’re beautiful, and she said, You were until a moment ago.
T 5181
She picks up the magazine and looks at him and he says, What? and she says, What what? and he says, What what what? and she dies of boredom.
T 5165
The sky turned and the inevitable rain showered down. He hauled the couch to the curb. She watched from the front door. Sleep well, she said.