She asks him what he does and he says, I play with words. He’s pleased with himself and she leans in and says, That means you’re poor right?
Tagged: Work (581)
T 3724
The lawyers saw another night of take-out in front of them and the young one looked at her boss and said, Why do you pick your nose so much?
Twister 146
They farted and laughed and farted some more. The room smelled like cheese and salami and this also made them laugh. Until the boss came in.
Twister 145
When they sang the song the crowd launched the hall to the moon. This is why they played. The feeling. The moment. And, of course, the girls
Twister 274
He went to the movie and felt like he’d been crapped on. He wanted to complain to someone so he wrote the exact same movie and made millions
Twister 415
Sven spent his entire adult life working on the play. And finally on opening night, the only published review called the piece “craptastic.”
Twister 534
He said “frequently” once too often and was fired. With cause. He could not find a lawyer to take his case. And so his overeating got worse.
Twister 666
He’s a super nice guy. He says super a lot. He smiles his white toothed smile and holds doors open for all. His colleagues want to kill him.
Twister 763
This cab ride wouldn’t be so bad if the cabbie didn’t pick his nose so much, Jo thinks. I could be married, he says. But I’m not that gross.
Twister 887
The meeting broke up after someone called the CEO a wet baboon. Later, he would feel shame when he saw his pits while posing in the bathroom