He downs his vodka and heads toward her. She watches his approach. She touches her hair. He clears his throat. I bet you taste bad, he says.
Tagged: Sex (778)
T 6141
The car careens off the road. It meets the forest with catastrophic force. The couple emerges unscathed. Next time hold it in, she tells him.
T 6135
He built up the courage to call finally and he said, Let’s get some corn dogs and go to Space Mountain, and she felt wet in the right place.
T 6131
She wakes him with a hand heading south and he wakes and moans, and she takes that as yes but he’s badly hungover and he can’t feel a thing.
T 6122
He kisses her and thinks of his mother and the moment is ruined. She says, what’s your problem? Emus, he says. And she touches her long neck.
T 6121
The illness comes swiftly. The doctor fails in the art of diagnosis. His mother sits by his bedside. You didn’t see us do that, she exclaims.
T 6117
We are victims of our mobility, he says philosophically. His plane ticket lies on the floor. She strokes his chest. So don’t leave, she says.
T 6114
The dog wouldn’t stop whining and she said, What’s wrong with him? and I didn’t want to tell her but I knew I had to. She never got over it.
T 6102
And then she reached for her cigarettes and he said, That was great, and she lit a smoke and he cleared his throat and she said, I heard you.
T 6100
I’m sleeping with a midget, I told my friend. It’s not weird because she’s middle aged, I added. We finished our beers. And our day was done.