This store smells like a diaper bin. They sell old cheeses, she tells me. She’s mesmerized by the odor. We’ll probably never have sex again.
Tagged: Sex (778)
We woke and we were sober. We surveyed the room and refused eye contact. She said something pithy. It might have been funny the night before.
Our breathing got heavy, and then she called me “rookie.” Her words: Let’s go rookie. I reminded her I was older. She refused to believe me.
The bar is awash in the noise of want. She approaches a cute guy and can’t hear a word he says. She likes that. And then she takes his hand.
His effort was real and sincere and then it was done. She said, Is it over? and then he knew it had not been enough and he checked his phone.
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We watched our dogs, their sniffing of intimates, the simplicity of their lives, and later I went home and took a long shower. Just in case.
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The chair was comfortable. Don’t get too comfortable, she said as she made her way to the bedroom. I thought sexy thoughts. And fell asleep.
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I have a big mouth, I warn her. But she doesn’t care. Not now. And we kiss. It’s not so big, she says. And that is the worst backlash of all.
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He put a chocolate bar in his pocket and bumped into his old girlfriend. What’s in your pocket? she asked. And the chocolate started to melt.
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He steps out of the shower and says, I’m clean now. And she lays on the bed and says, Me too. They share a giggle. And proceed to get dirty.