Her dog died the day she finally worked up the courage to wear the sexiest dress. Which is why she started wearing her father’s old clothes.
Tagged: Pets (140)
Twister 3467
The dog slid into the room and performed a nifty song and dance number and then he looked up hopefully and his master said, That wasn’t art.
Twister 355
He had the bath done right. Bubbles. Roses. Champagne on ice. And then she canceled. He got in the bath. The dog too. And then she showed up
Twister 852
He walked his dog every day so he could see the stunning lady on the corner and everyday the dog crapped right there for maximum humiliation
Twister 1364
Her mother warned her it was true. And after the hamster’s eyes popped out, the daughter learned it was possible to love something to death.
Twister 2100
There was talk of love now but she didn’t like sports and he hated the way she dressed and his parents were crazy. But they both liked dogs.
Twister 2754
She’d noticed that the neighbor’s dog was friendly with her husband. A bit too friendly. Too familiar. That night, she had trouble sleeping.
Twister 3471
The dog did his business on the floor and I said, Let’s just sell the house, and my wife said, Your laziness is amazing, and I had to agree.
Twister 368
The dog makes a sound of distress and it wakes Phil. He’s late now and he rushes out of the house and gets to the dentist. But the dog dies.
Twister 861
They met because of his kitten and for that he was grateful. Until the relationship went south. Then he wanted nothing to do with the pussy.