She locked me out, finally, and I deserved it. I felt the ravages of exile. The doubt and hopelessness. And then she came home from the gym.
Tagged: Home (473)
T 5959
He rehearses the speech in the basement. It’s something he’s done often. Then he smells her apple pie. And the speech must wait another day.
T 5953
We watched the firemen work in vain and soon our house was no more. I sighed audibly. You’ll do anything to avoid cleaning up, my wife said.
T 5924
He wakes and fills the coffeemaker. Soon the apartment is redolent with java. She enters the kitchen. He pours her a cup. You snore, he says.
T 5907
He wants to diffuse the heat of their discussion. You can not fathom the depths of my sadness, he says. And she reaches for a plate to throw.
T 5904
I told her my problem and she said, It doesn’t matter, and I kissed her, with genuine relief, and we went to bed, and she said, It mattered.
T 5837
He stared at the blank tv. She put down her book. I’d like to join a cult, she said. Come rub my feet, he replied. And a crisis was averted.
T 5835
We invited the new neighbors over and danced around the things they didn’t eat, and they left and we said, See you again, but not sincerely.
T 5823
The door closed behind him and from inside she yelled, This time it’s different, and then the door opened and she handed him a cup of coffee.
T 5821
It was morning and he started sweeping. She woke and said, What are you doing? and he said, I’m cleaning up. And then he got what he wanted.