He brought her breakfast in bed. She was reading the paper. Sometimes, the world makes me so angry, she sighed. But I have sausage, he said.
Tagged: Home (473)
Twister 3159
He spent all his time downstairs. She spent all her time upstairs. He discussed the situation with her. And admitted he kinda missed her pie
Twister 3426
Then the sun rose and the sky turned a gorgeous shade of pink before retreating to blue, and he turned to her and said, That was inevitable.
Twister 3523
He heard her humming. And then she came out of the bathroom. And he wondered how sweetness and pure evil could reside in such a tight space.
Twister 16
It’s grim; the blues are all wrong. This ain’t a home renovation, she thinks. She wants a soda. She calls her husband. I hate you, she says.
Twister 634
When the guests had gone, he surveyed the room. He felt panic, then resignation. There was nothing he could do to save her precious flowers.
Twister 776
He hated the smells of his apartment building. The weird foods and stale smoke. The knowledge that everyone was having more fun than he was.
Twister 995
Inside the house toward the back, under the stairs that leads to the basement. I peed there once. I pierced a nipple there. And I hid things
Twister 1328
The kids avoided the house at the end of the street. The people who lived there were nice but the lawn was awful. And the kids had standards
Twister 1467
He complained about the dog and the neighbor said “sue me” and he said “C’mon” and built a squadron of cannons instead. It just felt better.