I bring her into my room. She says, Did your mom help you decorate? I turn from her. My mom’s dead, I cry, grabbing my blue and yellow duvet.
Tagged: Guys (1,814)
She cooks her eggs runny and that’s the one thing I really hate, like so much, so I start to shake and then my mom says, So move out already.
I said the things I was warned not to say. I operated in a way not amenable to civilized behavior. This explains why I told her I loved her.
She says, Let me do it, and I say, No way ever, and then she goes all Gertrude Stein on me and guilts me out, and then I let her wax my back.
Our eyes met and in at that moment I believed in destiny and then I waited for her to walk over to me but she didn’t. And my ankle was sore.
She grunts and gets out of bed. He sees the complaint forming on her lips. He says, I never said I was perfect. She says, You did yesterday.
Things got contentious and she called me a big fat jerk and then I returned to my office and felt bad because I’d put on some pounds lately.
The water streams over him, drawing him to his awakening. He reaches for the soap, but it’s a nub. That’s two nubs in the shower, he thinks.
I want this waitress to take off her shoes, to see if she’s perfect, but how do I ask such a thing? Stop staring, my wife sighs, kicking me.
The thin boy with fat toes desires the hot dog loving vegan. So very much. For the trangression. And destroy the bonds of a modern morality.