The relentless barrage of worthlessness. I’m tired of spam! I yell and then from over the cubicle wall, a tuna sandwich, and it tastes good.
Tagged: Food (993)
I returned home with a pizza. I put it on the counter and turned on the TV. The phone rang. You haven’t even noticed I’ve left you, she said.
We were watching the cooking shows and she said, I’m hungry, so I went and poured two bowls of cereal and then we watched more cooking shows.
We watch the sun kiss the horizon. I take another donut. She hums Blue Moon ironically. I can feel her judging me. She’s judging me so hard.
I went to the deli. I asked for my sandwich without cheese. The counter guy started yelling at me before calming down. Then he called me odd.
I reached for more meatloaf and felt her disapproval. How fat can I get before you stop wanting me? I asked. Then I realized it was too late.
The ham smelled bad but I made a sandwich anyway. I’m feeling philosophical, I thought, spreading the mustard. I took a bit. Then I felt ill.
She cooks her eggs runny and that’s the one thing I really hate, like so much, so I start to shake and then my mom says, So move out already.
I told her how I liked to use salad dressing. She called me a pervert. A week later she showed up at my work and said, I’m partial to Ranch.
I took the candy and the baby cried and my wife said, So you would, and I said, Babies are too young for candy, because my wife is a dentist.