He was worried his kid was spending too much time on the computer. I want to own a farm, the kid said one day. We live on one, his dad said.
Tagged: Family (813)
Twister 1765
She shows off her ring to her friends. Her mother calls it a boulder. But her father is skeptical. Does his car compensate as well? he asks.
Twister 1923
After dinner he offers to do the dishes and she says, That’s so cute and instead she leads him to the couch. My mother can do them, she says
Twister 2044
He was sure that no one loved him anymore, even though he had nothing to support the notion, save for the rude notes left behind by his mom.
Twister 2175
Night falls on the town like spilled ink. She knows he’s afraid of the dark. And he knows she won’t be letting him back inside any time soon
Twister 2282
They all felt listless, the heat upon them like cartoon anvils. He struggled to get up and he did. Don’t go near the thermostat, she hissed.
Twister 2382
He uses the word emasculated and his wife laughs and the girls laugh too, even though they don’t know what it means. I’m screwed, he thinks.
Twister 2507
He gave his school age kids bourbon with their breakfast and that appalled her. But she knew his plan. This is a movie soon enough, he said.
Twister 2636
Jones has a beautiful wife and three children of varying abilities. Sometimes he likes to drive into the woods to a quiet place. And scream
Twister 2787
He says, Don’t get me wrong, and that’s exactly what she does and then he gets angry and she calls her mother and says, No more blind dates.