So, we move forward. Waiting for the Man now has an ISBN and its own Goodreads page.
I just finished my final readthrough after some last minute and astute edits and queries. And, frankly, I hope to never read this book again. Ever. Oh, I’ll read parts of it. I have to. But not the whole thing. It’s finished for me. The cover is being finalized. The ARCs (advance review copies) are being sent out. The marketing people are thinking up ways of creating desire. Or desirability.
So basically, the hiatus I’ve taken from my next project needs to end now and I need to get back to work. Like now.
The book is now the world’s. Or, to be less grandiose, it belongs to the reader. To you. It’s now your book. The book should be published around April 15, 2014.
The winter is going to feel a little longer this year. Even if it’s a mild one.