He bought her an ice cream, and she said, Some people would call this love, and he drifted off for a moment and said, Man that’s super cold.
Tagged: Love (951)
That girl’s cute, he thinks. He walks toward her and trips on the curb and wants to die right there. She notices him. He’s cute, she thinks.
She loved me. Until I didn’t recommend her on LinkedIn. But I’ve never worked with you, I explained. She told me I didn’t understand “life.”
The sun came out and it illuminated everything, even the dirt, and in its warmth lay the grand promise of living. And we went for ice cream.
I told her I didn’t care anymore. She said, Is it the soup? It wasn’t the soup. It was everything else. It was me. But the soup wasn’t good.
She says, I love this, and he feels a warmth inside, ready for the next phase of his life, and he hugs her and she says, I meant my sweater.
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Dessert arrived and I put a piece in her mouth and she moaned. Then she said, This is what love tastes like. And I took that as a compliment.
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When they were radiant, love was easy and laughter easier. They ate brilliantly and travelled to bright places. But then they got really old.
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He did his Elvis impression. He was naked and he shook his hips and she laughed. Thank you very much, he said. Then she called him Fat Elvis.
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And then we ran out of love. The last few years had been about the slow realization of the power of gravity. I really missed her lemon tart.