Two years ago, or even three, when I first started out on Twitter, my first agent saw a book of Tweets. I wasn’t sure but he was – and he was a real old school agent, specializing in business, tech and pop culture. His client list was phenomenal – and he was a good friend’s […]
Tagged: books (15)
This is What Busy Looks Like
Nothing. It looks like nothing because you don’t get anything done. It’s an empty box, sunshine without light, warmth without heat. Plans get demolished, not by anything sinister, but by life, by the forward progress of time, by the inevitable bullshit of living, the accretion of layers of stuff, things we have to climb over […]
Books Love You
I can’t tell whether or not this is creepy. It’s a nice idea. I’m just not sure I want to watch the movie.
The Dead Tree Society
This post, from the great Los Angeles Review of Books, is quite awesome and on the money. We need to stop blaming the internet for killing everything. It didn’t. The internet didn’t kill the music industry: the music industry did, by its disregard for musicians and music. In other words, they killed themselves because they […]
I’ve Never Been Written About on the Same Page as Henry Kissinger
And now I have been. Out of the UK.