Why Oh Why?

I don’t know why I write. Not a clue. Why would anyone want to subject themselves to such an endeavor? It is hard work, it is not a pathway to riches, it can ruin you like a cold river on a blistery day. More people give up doing this every day and perhaps they are the smart ones, the ones who can see things with a certain amount of clarity. I’m not asking the “why write?” question in a larger sense; it’s been asked too often and we’re living in The Information Age – we keep getting told this – and if we’re living in such an Age someone has to write the stuff that the rest of us are going to read. No? I mean, computers can’t just generate this stuff by themselves. Not yet.

No, I’m not asking an existential question here. I’m just asking for myself. Because some days I really wonder. And then I write something down.

And when I find out, I’m going to tell all of you. Until then

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